Related posts wordpress plugins can help your readers to explore more of your content with ease. Showing related posts below your content is one of the best method to generate extra page views, impressions and revenue. They also help to reduce your bounce rate and helps to improve user’s interaction with your website.
Now as your visitors read more of your posts, pages, articles, you will most probably see more social shares and in-turn extra referral traffic. So overall just internally linking your posts can be of great benefit and can yield great results.
If you are a blogger you might have noticed that linking older posts from within the article body hardly gives any extra page views. But if you use any thumbnail related post plugin to display the content at the bottom or in the sidebar, then the click rates are much high and you also see decline in your website’s bounce rate.
Top Related Posts WordPress Plugins
In this post I am going to share 10 plugins with you. They all are easy to install and configure. First click for installation and second click for activating. The rest will be managed by them automatically but for better customization you might need to visit their settings page.
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
It uses one of the perfect algorithm to calculate and find the most suitable related post. It allows you to display the urls in two style. You can either chose to have the advance thumbnail related design or the basic list type.
With thumbnail you can even add the post excerpt which is a good option if you want to increase the on page content length. It also gives you readers a sample snapshot of what content does it hold on. Other than these option you can even add the related posts to your feed and can assign the number of urls to display.
Related Posts by Zemanta
If you have been using nrelate plugin previously then you can easily migrate to zemanata as nrelate is no more maintained.
Zemanata doesn’t only provides you with related post functionality, its much more than that. It has options for editorial support which allows you to search for contents in your topics on may high authority websites. Like this you can reach out to professionals bloggers and can build better online relationships, which may help you to grow your business.
This plugin also comes with many custom themes. You can also customize them as per your requirement. And now most importantly, zemanata doesn’t overload your database with queries. All the interlinking calculations are made on their server and so it helps to keep your website fast and user friendly.
nrelate Related Content
This plugin uses patent pending technology to analyze your complete website and its content to find the perfect, related and logically most suitable url. Then it offers you a whole bunch of option to customize the look and feel. Actually you get 8 custom styles and one the most popular trending bar with different color variations.
But the option which makes it completely different from any other plugin in this category is the option or support for advertisements. This means you get options to generate some extra revenue with your website and for this you get same sets of display related settings.
* This plugin is discontinued and no more supported. *
WordPress Related Posts
Completely different, advance and professional related post plugin for wordpress users. This add-on is provided by zemanta to which I personally call as the best way to curate content. Their service allows you to search images, articles, videos for your posts based on keyword search query.
In this plugin they have added one unique feature which you will never find in any other plugin. It is the ability to track the click rates generate via the url which it display at the bottom of your posts.
It even support multiple styles including the list and thumbnail based. You also have option to set the big or small image size and to choose the responsive look.
Contextual Related Posts
It’s very powerful theme which allows you to display related posts with thumbnail. You get lots of option to configure the design, text, size of image and overall appearance. You can even choose to have the basic list based look, but for me it will hardly generate any click rates, so stay away from it.
With this plugin you get total three options for the placement of url. One is fully automatic style, second is the shortcode based. Which means where you place the shortcode, the related posts will be displayed their along with their configured style. Third is the manual placement which means you will need to edit the theme’s single.php file and will have to add the provided code. This option is not good for newbies, but if you love to have unique design and you know about PHP function then you can move with this feature.
Now the best part of using this plugin is that, it caches the list of urls it generate considering your every post. This means when your website get any visitor, this add-on won’t generate any new fresh copy but it will server the cache. This will help to improve website speed and overall user experience.
SEO Auto urls
This is one of the most extensive plugin. It comes with 8 different sets of layout for displaying the related urls below your content area. Additionally it gives you option to use its automatically interlining functionality.
This auto url feature allows you to set any particular keyword along with the desired post url. Now whenever you use that word or phrase in your post, it will get internally linked automatically. This not only saves you time but also helps to improve user experience.
It also have a slide out related post functionality with 6 different layout options. It comes into action when your visitor scrolls down to the bottom of the post. Then suddenly it slide out the posts from the left hand side corner. This slide effect grabs the reader’s attention and if the thumbnail are good enough then it can give you extra page views.
Finally it also has the caching functionality which is very necessary and important if you have high traffic website. This functionality save server’s resources and helps to improve website speed.
So these were my 5 personal favorite related posts plugins. I use them on my websites and they really help me to reduce my bounce rate.
Pramod Kumar says
I like Jetpack related post module. That is also good.
hot girl says
i like the post you have review it ,but it will be more faster if u can use php code for the site for related post instead of using plugin, this is my opinion i hope u can accept my suggestion palls….thanks for sharing the info friends, best regards from