Today we are discussing the advantages of integrating wordpress cache plugins into your site.
When a person goes on the Internet, he/she tends to browse through websites with super-fast load times and ignores sites that load at snail’s pace, regardless of content appeal.
Users have little to no patience with slow sites. So, if you have a WordPress website with excessive load time, the chances are that your traffic may slowly dwindle to nothingness. There are more than a few ways in which you can bolster the performance of your website.
For instance, choosing a robust web hosting platform like WordPress, Drupal, Custom CMS, etc. is crucial in ensuring efficient site performance. But among all the techniques available today, caching is by far the most effective one.
Top 10 WordPress Cache Plugins for 2017

Today we have curated a list of some of the most popular cache plugins for wordpress platform. Most of them are free but few of them also offer premium upgrades with more advanced features.
Most of these add-ons are available on GitHub and official plugin repository. You can visit them clicking the buttons we have added in this post, first to review them and then decide which of them suits best to your needs.
1. WP Fastest Cache

WP Fastest Cache is the newest plugin of 2016, and it’s amazing because the configuration is wonderfully simple. WP Fastest Cache is essentially a plug-and-play WordPress cache plugin. The total time needed to download and configure this plugin averages around 5 minutes.
A cache system is simply a static store of HTML files for your dynamic website. WP Fastest Cache makes use of Mod_rewrite which is the fastest method for caching. By utilizing ‘Minify HTML’, you can reduce the size of your web pages. With ‘Enable Gzip Compression’, you can reduce the size of files sent from your server in order to increase the speed at which they reach the browser.
2. WP Rocket

WP Rocket costs anywhere from $39 for single website license and $199 for the multi-usage license. But, it is definitely a wise investment for your website since it is currently the fastest cache plugin available. It offers excellent user interface and robust design. Without a lot of effort, you can get amazing caching results for your site.
WP tech support is super-fast as well, being highly responsive and ever-eager to help you with a more advanced feature of their product. WP Rocket has a feature known as ‘Lazy Image Loading’ wherein unloaded pictures are not stored, GZIP Compression and caching page exclusion options.
3. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is the one and only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) Framework that improves user experience and page speed drastically. W3 Total Cache improves server performance, reduces download times and offers transparent Content Delivery Network (CDN) integration.
W3 Total Cache is a recommended cache plugin by web hosts like DreamHost, GoDaddy, and HostGator and by companies like AT&T, and Load times are cut in half, and the total page size is reduced to a slight degree. W3 Total Cache enables instant page loading by minifying all your .js and .css files.
4. WordFence

WordFence is basically a website security plugin. But WordFence 5.0 saw the release of Falcon Engine, the fastest
caching plugin. The WordFence fever has caught on and it is now the most downloaded WordPress security plugin. Falcon Engine is not a separate plugin in WordPress but comes alongside WordFence.
The main objective of WordFence is to prevent distributed denial of service attacks by increasing site performance by a very large margin in order to withstand the severe load conditions culminating from such attacks that tend to overwhelm your site with traffic.
5. Quick Cache
Quick Cache is set apart from most other cache plugins in that it promises to deliver ‘Speed without Compromise’. It has highly informative explanations for settings as a form of assistance for less technically sound users, unlike other cache plugins such as W3 Total Cache. It takes a snapshot of all your pages, enabling visitors to read them quickly.
This cache plugin has a large group of loyal followers owing to easy configuration and good documentation. Additional options, although few, is split into 8 sections. The only drawback of Quick Cache is that it does not serve cached pages to logged-in users and to users who have already left in a comment.
6. Fresh Performance Cache

Fresh Performance Cache is devoid of annoying ads on the admin page unlike other plugins. It has an intelligent file combining system that combines all possible files and ensures that your site will load as quickly as possible. This premium cache plugin for WordPress will minify CSS as well as JS files.
All complicated files are left out of the way so that they don’t become roadblocks in your site’s performance. It has a white label admin interface with a plugin option under settings and an update option in the plugin interface. Fresh Performance boosts the performance of your site and brings in a constant inflow of traffic.
7. Zen Cache

Zen Cache has a more appealing and streamlined user interface. It lets you choose the caching options that most suit your website. After installation and activation, a new menu item will be created on the admin dashboard titled ‘Zen Cache’. Clicking on it will take you to the admin page of the Zen Cache plugin.
You will then see an option labeled ‘Yes, Enable ZenCache’ under the ‘Enable/Disable’ section. You can also set up expiry time for the cache and customize automatic cache clearing as well. ZenCache also has a premium version with additional features such as import/export of the ZenCache configuration, HTML compressor, and auto-cache engine. Zen Cache is now known as Comet Cache.
8. Hyper Cache

Hyper Cache is designed both for shared hosting and for high-end server environments. It has a lot of unique features to boast of like Mobile Pages, bots for SEO that utilize cached pages, integration with bbPress and access of cached pages to users who have previously left a comment.
Hyper Cache is an easy to use plugin with simple configurations.
9. Hummingbird

Hummingbird is a relatively new plugin that is said to make your site travel faster than the speed of light (Not Literally!) But, it can improve the consistency of your site massively with just a few clicks. They have a 14-day trial that comes with caching, minifying, GZIP compression together with WPMU Dev plugins, UpFront Theme Framework and not to mention, a super-fast support service.
10. Cache Enabler

Cache Enabler has only a 100 downloads as of now but looks reassuring with its lightweight caching solution. Cache Enabler boosts site performance by generating static HTML files and through WebP support. WebP is a brand new image format that offers lossless web optimized image compression. Cache Enabler is the only plugin so far with WebP support.
emm where is wp super cache, it can serve ur website into static file, like hugo
Great write up but amaze to see that WP Super Cache and Breeze Cache Plugin didn’t mentioned. I would personally recommend you to include both resources to add some more value in your article. Anyways thanks for sharing.