One new wordpress theme for my readers and lovers. Today I am presenting Blogging Pro genesis child theme which I have crafted considering the requirements of common bloggers and writers.
I myself have struggled a lot to get a perfect design for my blog..s. And after almost 1 year of chase, I got it and it is live. But then I knew that when I have faced this problem than millions of other bloggers would be facing it on a regular basis. And then came an idea to develop a theme dedicated to wordpress community.
Important Features Of Blogging Pro Genesis Child Theme

Using this theme is really easy. It comes with detailed documentation which will guide you on how to setup this theme with ease. Important features have been listed below.
- 5 color schemes.
- Custom widgets.
- 6 different page layouts supported with a custom design.
- Unique author widget.
- 2 homepage style, Grid and single column basic blog style.
- Mobile responsive design.
- Google mobile usability test passed.
- Homepage size less than 600KB and loads within 1 sec with $5 digital ocean account test.
- Fully supported ( hire me for custom modification ).
You can either download this theme from creativemarket for $59 ( my design deserves it ) or can subscribe to my twice in a year email subscription.
Wow such a great theme. Is this theme available for free download and if so can I use it on my blog and my online magazine website.
I really like the minimal yet attractive design of your wordpress theme.
You can use it on only one of your wordpress site.
Is your wordpress theme a genesis child theme. I have never seen anyone giving his such professional theme for free to community.
Thanks for this generous gift to all of us. I really appreciate this.
Just one suggestion. It would have been nice if you could offer live preview of your blogging theme.
Yes this is a minimal blogging theme designed for genesis framework. And thanks for your kind words.
Hi Vivek,
I have one question related to your minimal wordpress blogging theme. Can I use your theme for my projects and blogs and will I get free updates after I subscribe.
I really love the design of your theme. What make me really use your theme on my blog is the subscription box. I really want to use it.
Thanks in advance.
No you can only use this theme on one of your wordpress blog. And remember that this is a genesis child theme.
You will always get free updates till you are in my subscription list. Because I have to send you the updated through mail, so please don’t unsubscribe.
Vivek, I must say you have done a great job. I have never seen such a great genesis child theme and for everyone I would like to make it clear that this is not a theme, but its actually a child theme build for Genesis theme framework.
I really appreciate the hard work of vivek and I really thank you for offering this theme for free to the community.
You are absolutely correct.
Hello Vivek,
I can’t see demo or download button. Where is the subscribe button to download?