Clef is a 2-step authentication service which is changing the way you log in to your wordpress dashboard. It’s making wordpress authentication process more easy, user-friendly and secured.
It’s actually a mobile app which seamlessly integrate with your wordpress dashboard through your hosting. Clef has officially announced that it has partnered with Softaculous which is basically the most used automatic script installer service used by many premium hosting services.
According to me, it’s one of the best services which you should choose to use if you are really concerned about your website’s security. Earlier this year, WordPress websites were massively targeted by the botnet. This was probably the biggest attack on any web platform. Though because of industry standard coding and with the help of dozens of professional guides bloggers and webmaster’s were able to overcome this attack, but they might not in near future.
In these type of attacks, affected computers are used as an army to put the attack forward. The first list of password’s are downloaded on these computer systems and then through internet connection attack is pushed to any website or blog. But one important point which should be noted is, they still need a password.
But what if you have passwordless yet industry standard login system.
What Is Clef?

Clef is an oakland based company which is changing the way this world used to login to their WordPress admin panel. In order to use this service, you will have to download an application on your smartphone and then verification and identification process starts.
According to their official statement and FAQ page, they state that their system is much stronger than password. I too agree to them as they use 2048-bit RSA asymmetric keys to identify its users and PKCS#5 encryption.
If you are using the generic password then with next botnet attack your website can be hacked within few seconds. But if you are using Clef then it will take thousand’s of years to decrypt the code in order to get access to your website.
According to clef, even if their complete database is exposed on the internet, not a single person’s details will be compromised. Now stay assured as this might never happen as their infrastructure is built to tolerate breeches and attacks
How To Install Clef 2-Step Authentication
In order to use clef’s password less login system, you will have to move to enable clef for automatic WordPress installation by going to the Softaculous administration panel and then to the advanced settings page.
Check out the video below to find how clef actually works.
Installation procedure :
- Download and install the plugin.
- Now its high time to download the application and install it in your smart phone.
- Now go to application and sign-up. registration is free and will be free forever as per official page.
- Now after login to your clef account though your phone, move to wordpress dashboard though desktop and check the setting page.
- Now follow the brief installation procedure which should take 30 seconds or more and enjoy.
Once you complete all the procedures properly, then you can sign in to your admin panel through your phone and can sign out from all your wordpress websites with just one click.
Now the question is what if your phone gets lost.
Not a big deal, you can move to clef’s lost phone page and then from there you can deactivate that phone. After deactivation of one phone, you can follow the same installation procedure to set up all your account with your phone.
So now get into your account with more secure, professional and modern way. The era of the password system is coming to end.
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