How to exactly modify or remove genesis footer credit links. If you use Genesis theme framework for your website and have installed any child theme or using just the framework, then you might have noticed that in the footer there is a link back to studiopress website.
This link can create some serious SEO problems, actually related to Google Penguin. Since if you don’t remove the link then it will create a site-wide linkback to the developer’s website, now this might be taken as a paid link exchange. Now as we know Penguin punishes both the sides linked in the back link exchange so it’s better to remove those credit links.
Customize Genesis Credit Links

Now there are two different ways to perform this task. You can either chose to use a free plugin called simple edits or can edit your theme’s function.php file on yourself. Both will require some time, but if you do the task manually then you would save your server’s resources.
1st Method: Use WordPress Plugin
Use Genesis simple edits. This plugin will allow you to edit post meta, post information by line and finally the footer byline. Once you install this plugin you will get three blocks and you can enter your shortcode, HTML or text to render on the required positions.
2nd Method: Manually Edit The Theme
Tn this section you will have to edit function.php file manually. This file is the most important file in your theme’s folder as it calls the required framework file and other scripts and styles for your theme.
So before proceeding please kindly create a complete backup of your theme or just of your function’s file.
Now copy all the codes provided below.
Copy the exact snippet at the end of your function’s file. Now you can edit the link and structure. Once completed simply click on update and you are ready to refresh your website to see the changes.
If you are using HTML5 enabled Genesis child theme then you will need another snippet in order to modify genesis footer credit. Please copy the code provided below to your child theme’s functions.php file and then click on update button.
Note: Please kindly change all the link with your domain.
Now let me start the explanation part of this snippet. I will try to explain each part in detail, but still if I miss any part and if you want to know about any specific customization, then please ask me in the comment section.
Here “genesis_footer_creds_text” is the genesis hook, which we have to alter. By default, it has settings, which you see in the default theme. Now we are going to modify it using the custom function that is “wpvkp_footer_creds_filter”.
Now we declare a custom variable that is $editthecredit, you can name it as per your need. Now in this variable, we will store a custom value, which we will finally pass to the theme. As the result, you will see the new custom footer.
I know that I am talking completely about PHP, but it is really necessary to cover so as to make this snippet easy to understand.
Hi Vivek,
I have a Genesis Framework ad next to my logo on the top of my site [header?]. I’m not very knowledgable about WP and codes. I don’t want to screw my site up. How can I remove this ad so as not to cause any further issues? Thank you.
You mean to say, the header logo of genesis theme framework.
After inspecting your theme, it seems that you haven’t used the upload header logo feature. Instead, you have used the header widget to load the image.
First: you have to upload the header logo through the “customize” available under appearance settings.
Second: you need to unregister the header widget area.
Third: You will have to set the header width:100;display:block;float:none;margin: 20px 0 auto; text-align:center; in your style.css file.
Let me know if you still face problems.
Thanks, The code is working fine with my magazine pro child theme.
Remove Genesis Footer Credit Links code working nice. Many many thanks to provide the code. i have a question,
HTML5 enabled Genesis child theme is good for SEO or not…?
Hi Vivek,
Unfortunately I’m having some issues with your code. I suspect I’ve entered it wrongly, but having done so, I now can’t access my website or admin on wordpress. Could you let me know how to solve this?
many thanks,
The only solution is to edit your theme via ftp.
I think you have also copied the starting
Hi I would like to put the styless.css style on theme header to reduce the HTTPS request on Genesis theme is so hard to find the code, can you tell me where to find the code as I have searched on the Functions.php but there is not code for it.
Style.css and all other CSS files are by default loaded from the head.
Thank you! It works! How to swap “Copyright” and ” Return to top of page”?