You want to change your WordPress username but you can’t do it. WordPress by default doesn’t provide you with this feature but there are many different methods to do it.
In this article, I will share three different methods to change your WordPress username and that without any hassle.
Method 1: Install Username Changer WordPress Plugin

This simple WordPress plugin is all you need but first you have to install it. After installation, you have to visit Username Changed page which will be located inside Users setting option.
Over here you will see a simple interface. You have to first select the user. You can select it through the email address. Then you have to type in the new username for this user and click on save changes. Voila, you just changed the WordPress username and that within few seconds.
Remember that the changes you make is permanent and will even reside after uninstalling the plugin. So after you make all your desired changes, you can uninstall this plugin to save your precious server resources.
Method 2: Delete The Old User & Create a New User
This is the very simple trick. WordPress provides you the option to remove any user and attribute all its content to any of the other user in your WordPress website.
So the trick is that you have to first create a new user with your desired username. Then you have to delete the old user and attribute all of its content to this new user.
Well, say if you want to change your own username, then you have to first log out from your old account and then login with new credentials. Now you can safely delete your old username.
Method 3: Use phpMyAdmin To Change Your WordPress Username
This is the third methods and I really don’t know why would anyone want to use it. I am listing this method over here because I got a support request from Jeena who is one of my blog’s regular reader.
Let me make it very clear to you all, this method is really complicated and you are going to make changes to WordPress installation directly. So I will request you to please follow the steps properly. If you face any problem in any step then please let me know in comment section.
Your first task is to log in to your hosting account. Next you have to log in to your Cpanel account. Over here you will find phpMyAdmin. Click on it and now you will be directed to a new webpage from where you will be able to access your database.
If you have multiple WordPress installations then you will see many databases in your PHPMyAdmin panel. So first you have to know the exact name of the database of the WordPress installation which you want to edit and then click on that database from the left-hand panel.
Hint: How to find you WordPress database name?
You can do so by checking the database name stored in your wp-config file.
Now once you have selected the correct database you will find that all the tables in it consist of name starting with wp. It can differ in your case if you have changed the prefix during the installation.
Next search for wp_users and click on it from the left-hand side panel. Now you will provide with a list of all users on your website. You have to click on the user you want to edit.
After clicking on the designer user, you will be directed to a new page where you will see many different fields associated with that user, like password, email field etc.
But you have to look for user_login field and then have to change the name with what you wanted.
Now just apply the changes and login back to your WordPress account with your all new username and everything will work as it used to do before.
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