Today in this post I am going to share 10 handpicked, most popular wordpress table of contents plugin. Table of contents is an efficient way to present pieces of information in a blog post in table list form. It enables the visitors to go to the desired section of content without scrolling. Additionally, they help to increase organic traffic as ․․․
How to Legally Protect Your WordPress Website Within 5 Minutes
Did you know that you could be unknowingly violating Google policies through your website? Did you know that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has imposed some laws, rules, and regulations about legal policies that must be followed while advertising or marketing on the internet? Why Should Your Website Have Legal Pages? It is of the utmost importance, today, which you ․․․
How to Fix the White Screen of Death in WordPress
You switch on your laptop, and as usual, you browse to your WordPress site to add some new content or apply an update. But wait; instead of being greeted with your usual home page, a white, blank screen stares ominously back at you, otherwise known as the white screen of death. First of all, don’t panic! This error is very ․․․
10 Best Email Marketing WordPress Plugin
Email marketing is extremely popular among a large section of tech-savvy people. It’s one of the best media through which you can connect to your potential customers. If you run a web-based business, you can create awareness about your brand among the potential customers simply by sending appealing and user-centric newsletters to your subscribers. This will help you to increase ․․․
weForms Review – The Fastest Contact Form Plugin for WordPress
Contact forms are already a crowded market in WordPress. But they are essential. Contact forms enhance your website, and as a consequence, your business too. You can use them in multipurpose ways. The benefits they bring are also numerous.:- it enriches your website look, saves your inbox from spam mails, ensures your users that you are reachable and will receive ․․․
Building and Running an Online User Community with WordPress
Interested in building an online user community website using WordPress? Well, you’re at the right place. In this article, you’ll learn about building good, interactive, sustainable online community. After that, I’ll walk you through a leading WordPress community plugin that’ll help you build a strong online user community. Why use WordPress for building your community? WordPress powers nearly a quarter ․․․
5 Best Cost Effective WordPress HelpDesk Plugins
Are you tired of spending money on those WordPress support plugins who tend to just promise but not deliver? Still wishing for a plugin that will be not only efficient but also budget friendly? Then this article may end your search with these 5 WordPress HelpDesk plugins that provide the best deal for the money. WSDesk – WordPress HelpDesk and Support Ticket ․․․
SEO Tips for One Page WordPress Websites
One page websites are rising in popularity as more and more people and companies choose them over larger, more elaborate, sites with multiple pages. Single page websites can be ideal for special new projects. With applications in all niches, one-page websites are perfect for small scale businesses, agencies, service based organizations or for simply creating creative interactive sites. While some ․․․
How To Create New Widget Area In WordPress In 2 Steps
Creating a new widget area in wordpress theme requires basic knowledge of wordpress codex and PHP programming language. You should know that wordpress has its own way to define the page structure. This helps developers to code different sections of the website in different files and helps them to focus on one part at a time. Then finally they call ․․․
Easyengine – Install WordPress on DigitalOcean With Ease
I love playing with wordpress. I spend hours daily in front of my laptop working on sublime text and shell; customizing and installing wordpress on digitalocean using easyengine or serverpilot. Now you might think what’s the need for the shell? Well, I am quite confident that you will not like my answer to this question. WordPress is a fantastic blogging platform, but it is ․․․